Now that Spring has arrived, even the weather here in Florida gets warmer. If you have been suffering with varicose veins or spider veins on your legs and hiding them all winter, your luck is running out. The warm weather will soon turn hot and everyone will shed those long pants. Now is the time […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...Yoga class in lotus pose in fitness studio at the leisure center By this point, you’ve already learned a lot of preventative methods from family, friends, the Internet and other sources in regards to varicose veins. But, have you ever considered yoga, which is a gentle, non-impact type of exercise that has many health benefits. […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...Unlike most of the country, Florida is warm pretty much year round. That means nine to eleven months of “shorts weather”. While this is a blessing to most of us, if you are dealing with varicose veins, temperatures in the upper 90’s can be a troubling and even embarrassing issue that can mess with your […]
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