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January 15, 2016 by
911, abdomen blood clot, blood clot, blue leg, brain blood clot, chest pain, coughing up blood, difficulty speaking, discoloration, dr magnant, emergency, ER, grey leg, health, heart blood clot, heart palpitations, Joseph Magnant, light headed, lung blood clot, Naples Vein Treatment, numb leg, pain in legs, purple leg, shortness of breath, swelling in legs, vein health, vein specialists, vision changes, we know veins, weknowveins.com Blood clots form inside of the deeper veins in the body. It is referred to as deep vein thrombosis. Blood clots have a gel like consistency and though sometimes resolve themselves, often times will not resolve on their own and require immediate medical attention. The most common place for a clot to occur is […]
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December 11, 2015 by
blood pressure, discoloration, dr magnant, dr. joseph magnant, Endovenous Radio Frequency Ablation, FREE vein screening, Naples Vein Treatment, restless leg syndrome venous insufficiency, skin changes, spider veins, spider veins fort myers, ulcers, ultra sound, varicose veins, varicose veins fort myers, vein diagnostic, vein diagnostic evaluations, vein disease screening, vein screening, vein screenings, vein tests, venous insufficiency, venous issues, weknowveins.com If you are experiencing issues with your legs feeling tired, heavy, weak, achy, cramping, you have restless leg syndrome or have pain on a constant or ongoing basis you may have a venous insufficiency issue. Visiting a vein specialist and having a complete screening is recommended. If at that time your doctor sees that you […]
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December 9, 2015 by
blood pressure, discoloration, dr magnant, dr. joseph magnant, FREE vein screening, Naples Vein Treatment, Rest Legs Syndrome, restless leg syndrome venous insufficiency, skin changes, spider veins, spider veins fort myers, ulcers, ultra sound, varicose veins, varicose veins fort myers, vein diagnostic, vein diagnostic evaluations, vein disease screening, vein health, vein screening, vein screenings, vein tests, venous insufficiency, venous issues, weknowveins.com Diseased veins occur when the internal walls of the leg veins and valves within begin to deteriorate. When a valve has given out, the blood may begin to flow in the wrong direction at times towards the feet rather than back towards the heart. This can cause spider veins or in deeper cases, varicose veins to […]
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