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December 27, 2016 by
aching legs, dr magnant, edema, Endovenous Closure, evenscreening.com, FREE vein screening, itchy legs, leg swelling, Naples Vein Treatment, spider veins, varicose veins, varicose veins fort myers, vein issues, vein screening, vein specialists fort myers, venous insufficiency, weknowveins Health is a puzzle we are all capable of solving. We often times just need a little help from the right specialist with the knowledge to assist. The vein specialists at www.weknowveins.com are board certified and have dedicated their practice to one singular focus – the treatment of venous insufficiency. There is no reason […]
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January 20, 2016 by
evenscreening.com, fort myers spider veins, fort myers vein screening, fort myers veins, HBP, high blood pressure, Naples vein screening, Naples Vein Specialist, Naples Vein Treatment, naples veins, varicose veins, varicose veins fort myers, vein health, vein specialist, vein specialists, vein specialists fort myers, venous insufficiency We have all heard people say that being overweight is bad for your health, but I am not sure that most of us realize just how dangerous it is to your circulatory system. Carrying around a lot of extra weight can play a significant role in the development of venous reflux disease in the legs. […]
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January 14, 2016 by
evenscreening.com, fort myers spider veins, fort myers vein screening, fort myers veins, HBP, high blood pressure, Naples vein screening, Naples Vein Specialist, Naples Vein Treatment, naples veins, varicose veins, varicose veins fort myers, vein health, vein specialist, vein specialists fort myers, venous insufficiency Is there a link? There is indeed. Varicose veins are caused by Venous Hypertension (high blood pressure inside of the veins themselves). Inside of every vein are one way valves that help the blood flow towards the heart. The act of walking helps to pump blood from our feet up through our leg […]
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