Compression stockings are made of elastic material that squeezes the leg. This squeezing effect puts pressure on the layers of tissue under your skin, which forces fluid back into the capillaries. Also, by compressing your legs, it can prevent blood from pooling into your legs, which can cause swelling and pain. Your doctor may have […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...As we age due to heredity, sun exposure, pregnancy, hormonal changes, taking birth control pills, excessive standing or sitting for long periods of time, obesity, tight clothing, and even constipation, sometimes our veins weaken. When veins do not open normally and allow blood flow, the blood can back up, causing swelling. In smaller veins this […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...A phlebectomy is a minimally invasive procedure that uses a small scalpel or needle to remove varicose veins on the surface of the leg. It’s highly successful when performed in patients who are good candidates. This procedure is usually done within your physician’s office using a local anesthetic so that you remain awake for the procedure. […]
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