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May 29, 2016 by
Associated conditions, cape coral veins, dr magnant, dr. joseph magnant, fort myers spider veins, fort myers veins, Naples Vein Specialist, Naples Vein Treatment, pregnancy, spider veins, varicose veins, vein doctor, vein facts, vein health, vein specialists, vein specialists fort myers, visible veins during pregnancy During your pregnancy, you will notice many changes to your body. Some are expected, such as a growing belly and weight gain. Some changes are a surprise such as veins becoming noticeable on your body. Do not panic. This is normal and is your body’s way of accommodating the extra blood flow. The veins that […]
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April 9, 2016 by
cape coral veins, dr. joseph magnant, fort myers vein doctors, fort myers veins, Joseph Magnant, legs, Naples Vein Specialist, Naples Vein Treatment, sarasota vein specialist, Sclerotherapy, spring break, summer legs, varicose veins, vein issues, vein screening, vein specialists fort myers, venous insufficiency, weknowveins.com Now that Spring has arrived, even the weather here in Florida gets warmer. If you have been suffering with varicose veins or spider veins on your legs and hiding them all winter, your luck is running out. The warm weather will soon turn hot and everyone will shed those long pants. Now is the time […]
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February 22, 2016 by
blood clot, circulation, compression stockings, compression vein treatment, discoloration, dr. joseph magnant, eveinscreening.com, fort myers veins, Naples Vein Specialist, Naples Vein Treatment, naples veins, varicose veins, varicose veins fort myers, vein health, vein screening, vein specialist, vein walls, venous insufficiency fort myers Your legs have been swelling and you’ve been told to try compression stockings, or socks. After getting them home, you find it extremely difficult to put them on your legs. You might be thinking that they are the wrong size. After checking with your doctor and the store, you find that they are the correct […]
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