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June 28, 2016 by
cape coral veins, coping with varicose veins, dr. joseph magnant, Florida vein doctor, fort myers vein doctors, Joseph Magnant, Naples Vein Specialist, Naples Vein Treatment, swelling, varicose vein treatments, varicose veins, vein doctor, venaseal, venous insufficiency For the millions of Americans suffering from varicose veins due to venous insufficiency, researchers have developed a new and innovative way to “fix” these problem veins. The VenaSeal ™ Closure System uses a special glue to close off the damaged veins, thus destroying them and eradicating the varicose veins. Varicose veins are created when the […]
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April 9, 2016 by
cape coral veins, dr. joseph magnant, fort myers vein doctors, fort myers veins, Joseph Magnant, legs, Naples Vein Specialist, Naples Vein Treatment, sarasota vein specialist, Sclerotherapy, spring break, summer legs, varicose veins, vein issues, vein screening, vein specialists fort myers, venous insufficiency, weknowveins.com Now that Spring has arrived, even the weather here in Florida gets warmer. If you have been suffering with varicose veins or spider veins on your legs and hiding them all winter, your luck is running out. The warm weather will soon turn hot and everyone will shed those long pants. Now is the time […]
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January 15, 2016 by
911, abdomen blood clot, blood clot, blue leg, brain blood clot, chest pain, coughing up blood, difficulty speaking, discoloration, dr magnant, emergency, ER, grey leg, health, heart blood clot, heart palpitations, Joseph Magnant, light headed, lung blood clot, Naples Vein Treatment, numb leg, pain in legs, purple leg, shortness of breath, swelling in legs, vein health, vein specialists, vision changes, we know veins, weknowveins.com Blood clots form inside of the deeper veins in the body. It is referred to as deep vein thrombosis. Blood clots have a gel like consistency and though sometimes resolve themselves, often times will not resolve on their own and require immediate medical attention. The most common place for a clot to occur is […]
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