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December 9, 2015 by
achy swollen legs, alcohol, beneficial foods, Bioflavonoids, build immune system, cell salts, circulatory system, diet and veins, dr magnant, friend food, immune support, Joseph Magnant, lecithin, Naples Vein Treatment, salt, spide veins, spider veins, sugar, varicose veins, Veins, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, weknowveins.com, zinc “Let thy food be thy medicine.” – Hippocrates When possible, dietary changes are a wonderful and natural way to help heal and correct many conditions. By making a few additions and changes to your eating habits severity of varicose and spider veins may be able to be reduced. Eating a diet high in fiber can […]
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December 9, 2015 by
blood pressure, discoloration, dr magnant, dr. joseph magnant, FREE vein screening, Naples Vein Treatment, Rest Legs Syndrome, restless leg syndrome venous insufficiency, skin changes, spider veins, spider veins fort myers, ulcers, ultra sound, varicose veins, varicose veins fort myers, vein diagnostic, vein diagnostic evaluations, vein disease screening, vein health, vein screening, vein screenings, vein tests, venous insufficiency, venous issues, weknowveins.com Diseased veins occur when the internal walls of the leg veins and valves within begin to deteriorate. When a valve has given out, the blood may begin to flow in the wrong direction at times towards the feet rather than back towards the heart. This can cause spider veins or in deeper cases, varicose veins to […]
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December 7, 2015 by
bonita springs vein disease, cape coral vein treatment, cape coral veins, dr. joseph magnant, evein, evein screening, eveinscreening.com, fort myers endovenous ablation, fort myers spider veins, Naples Vein Treatment, spider veins, varicose veins, vein, vein screening, vein specialists fort myers, venous insufficiency Unlike most of the country, Florida is warm pretty much year round. That means nine to eleven months of “shorts weather”. While this is a blessing to most of us, if you are dealing with varicose veins, temperatures in the upper 90’s can be a troubling and even embarrassing issue that can mess with your […]
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