What Type of Protein Causes Varicose Veins? Varicose veins are hereditary. Sometimes they skip a generation, but they are indeed a trait passed between families. Recent research suggests that doctors may eventually be able to isolate the protein that causes varicose veins. This could mean new treatment options in the future. How we do we […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...medical illustration of the effects of the varicose veins For some women, getting through life without seeing a varicose vein on their body is an accomplishment. As you put more pressure on your legs and feet, though, you become more susceptible to getting them. And when you become pregnant, this concern is significantly heightened. So, […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...How to Ward Off Varicose Veins the Healthy Way Varicose veins are unsightly and not to mention, very painful. Just to get an idea, for many it hurts to sit, stand and walk. Solutions are surgery, compression stockings, sclerotherapy and/or constant medication throughout your life. Before you start to panic, you should know that eating healthy […]
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