If you have varicose or spider veins that are visible it may be tempting to simply try and hide them. This can be done by wearing long pants or skirts and avoiding shorts or bathing suits or – If you do arrive at an occasion where that isn’t possible by covering with a full coverage […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...While there is no cure, treatments can make a tremendous difference in your quality of life. Choosing to seek medical attention early on can make a world of difference. Our circulatory system is created to keep blood moving throughout the body, the valves in the veins work to pump the blood back towards the […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...Varicose veins are something that plague many adults, especially those of us who have jobs that have required us to stand for long periods of time and they become even more of a problem as we age. There are actually a whole host of reasons that someone might develop varicose veins, whether it be a […]
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