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December 19, 2017 by
Associated conditions, fort myers spider veins, fort myers vein doctor, fort myers vein doctors, fort myers veins, Joseph Magnant, leg pain, lymphedema, Naples Vein Treatment, spider veins, spider veins fort myers, swelling, varicose veins, varicose veins fort myers, vein disease screening, vein doctor, vein health, vein issues, vein screening, vein specialist, vein specialists, vein specialists fort myers, Veins, venous insufficiency, venous insufficiency fort myers, weknowveins.com Venous insufficiency can lead to other issues in the body such as a pressure build-up from leaking damaged veins. This leakage can cause injury to the lymphatic drainage system. The swelling that results is known as lymphedema. Swelling can happen in the toes and feet and is most prevalent in the morning after hours of […]
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October 9, 2016 by
Bonita Springs vein doctor, eveinscreening.com, Florida vein doctor, Florida Vein Specialist, Naples Vein Treatment, varicose vein doctor, varicose vein facts, varicose veins, vein disease screening, vein specialist, venous insufficiency fort myers There is a lot of information out there about varicose veins. Some are true such as heredity plays a role, that 60% of those over 60 yrs. old have them, and that they do occur more in women than in men. But, there are some facts that you might not be aware of. Most people […]
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October 6, 2016 by
blood clot, blood clots, deep vein thrombosis, discoloration, dr magnant, dr. joseph magnant, DVT, Fort Myers Vein Specialist, Naples Vein Treatment, sarasota vein specialist, upper extremity deep vein thrombosis, upper extremity dvt, vein disease screening, vein doctor, vein screening When we think of blood clots, or DVT’s, most of us think of the legs. But, blood clots can happen in other areas of your body such as the upper extremities. In fact, around 10% of deep vein thrombosis occur in the arms. There are some warning signs that you can look for in an […]
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