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November 12, 2015 by
Alpha2 agonists, Anticonvulsant, Benzodiazepines, Dopaminergic agents, iron deficiency, leg cramp, leg twitch, MS, Naples Vein Treatment, neurologist, Opiates, pain management, parkinsons, Rest Legs Syndrome, Restless Leg Syndrome, RLS, sleep specialist, varicose vein facts, vein disease screening, vein screening, vein specialist, venous insufficiency When most of us hear the word “Restless Leg Syndrome” we think of lying there at night trying to go to sleep with our leg or legs twitching involuntarily. Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS), also known as Willis-Ekbom disease, is believed to affect more than 10 million adults in the United States. While it may be […]
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November 11, 2015 by
anal veins, blood clot, blood on toilet paper, coconut oil, cypress oil, dr magnant, fort myers veins, heal hemorrhoids, help for hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids, irritation, itching, Naples Vein Treatment, naples veins, Nifedipine, pine bark extract, soreness, thrombosis, varicose veins, vein specialists, venous insufficiency, weknowveins.com Health information has become more and more prevalent in the media over the past few years especially with medical doctors being given their own talk shows as platforms and the advent of online blogging with resultant interactive commenting, we as a society have become far more accustom to the idea of sharing in regard to […]
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October 19, 2015 by
alignment, arches, body posture, bunions, dr. joseph magnant, flat feet, foot pain, knee issues, leg pain, Naples Vein Treatment, orthotics, spider veins, swelling, varicose veins, venous insufficiency When you build a house you have to start with a solid foundation. If it’s not poured evenly and level, the house may eventually shift, the base may begin to crack and the home could fall into a premature state of disrepair. The same could be said for going through life with improperly fitting non […]
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