As we age we being to wonder what we will grow to look like and how our health will hold up as time goes by. Our older relatives are often the best gage by which to measure ourselves. Our parents being the closest genetic link we often strongly resemble either one or the other or […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...If you are living with constant, chronic, or even intermittent pain, it can severely limit your quality of life. Rather than focusing on living and enjoying life, pain becomes the focus, all-encompassing and overwhelming. Pain medications, herbal supplements, over the counter remedies, ice, heat and soaking – all may offer some temporary relief, but when […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...Varicose veins may seem like the end of the world. They’re painful, unsightly and an awkward conversation starter to say the least. Most women who have them, accept it and make long pants, dresses and skirts a permanent staple in their wardrobe. And that’s usually OK during the winter and especially if you live in […]
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