While there is no cure, treatments can make a tremendous difference in your quality of life. Choosing to seek medical attention early on can make a world of difference. Our circulatory system is created to keep blood moving throughout the body, the valves in the veins work to pump the blood back towards the […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...Many of us spend the entire day being hard on our legs and circulatory system due to our jobs – sitting in front of a computer all day or spending hours standing on hard floors. Don’t make vein pain worse by sitting incorrectly when you get home. If you find yourself laying on a couch […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...Stage 1 “Spider Veins” Spider veins are likely the first vein issue to be noticed. They occur in 40% of woman and 18% of men. Spider veins occur in the smallest surface veins. The dilation makes the veins appear to spread like spider webs. Stage 2 “Varicose Veins” This is the stage/classification for varicose, larger […]
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